After opening the doors in January 2019, I am excited to start a regular blog to assist my current and future clients to feel more connected to the practice.

As a Psychologist for over ten years, I have always hoped to create a safe, supportive environment that clients felt they could turn to in times of need. Working in Manly over the past few years has allowed me to gain a better understanding of the community and focus on providing a service that meets the community’s need.

My aim is to ensure no-one in the community feels isolated at times of need. That everyone knows that there is always someone available that is willing to support. My ultimate goal is to grow the business to incorporate meet-up groups and other services that will be able to assist the community in times of need or to assist in building up the skills of community members to improve their own wellbeing and mental health.

Research often shows that Connection is extremely important in preventing depression and other mental health issues. The foundation that underpins We Connect is “A life lived well is all about connection including good relationships with oneself, families, friends and communities.”

Kelly x
Founder at ‘We Connect Psychology

Registered Psychologist

Kelly Rowlands

Kelly Rowlands

Founder at ‘We Connect Psychology’ Registered Psychologist